Plan Your Visit

Pick Your Time

We have classes for all ages every time we meet! See what we get up to on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights (Quest). We can't wait to see you at both!

Children are dropped off directly to Sunday School and Quest. Any greeter or volunteer would love to assist you in finding these rooms if needed. 

Children enjoy worship through song in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings before being dismissed to their classes from the sanctuary. Children can be picked up at the end of service from the upstairs children's hallway. Please note the different ages that leave or remain in service on different weeks.

Visit Us

Once you're here visiting us, we can get you signed in so we are best able to keep your child safe, comfortable, and engaged in their class. Nursery children, you may sign-in and drop them off upstairs in the nursery anytime. For preschool and older, you may sign your children in before service starts or by walking them out when they are dismissed from service.  

We have 2 sign in stations for use. One is downstairs right outside the sanctuary on the drum side. A greeter will be happy to direct you to this computer.

Once at the computer, click the BLUE "I'm New" button to input important information about yourself and your child. You will be asked to input a phone number that we can use to easily contact you in the event your child needs you. Finally, you will choose a 4 digit code that is unique to your child for their safety. 

Once this sign-in is complete, a stick for your child and a coordinating one for you will print out. Please put the child's sticker somewhere visible on them and keep the parent one with you. 

A volunteer will be happy to assist in this process at any point.

Get Connected

Now that you feel secure with where your children will be, we would love to connect with you! Follow this link to connect with our church and ministries. 

Just click the "Back to the WBC Website" and check out our "Connect" area.